Wow – not a lot of time (or energy) for the computer these days! Quick note that the first photo goes back to first night at home. It's of us with Shelli, Jason and Rou Rou in Indigo's bedroom. We are going to miss them so much with them moving to Michigan.
The baking sprinkles Shelli left with us continue to be one of Indigo's favorite things to play with and her playdate today enjoyed them too! It’s been a struggle adjusting to American time for all of us.
This blog update will rival the annual newsletter! Our awake time is spent caring for the wee one and trying to get back into the groove of daily life – laundry, cooking, cleaning, bills & unpacking. We did not miss the unpacking and repacking of the dishwasher while in China! We also continue to try to conquer laundry stains on child’s clothing! It is really good to be home and to watch Indigo settling into her new home. She is so inquisitive and curious about everything. We are amazed at her fast adjustment to the dogs. She walks all around them, climbs over them when necessary and pets them a whole lot. It’s very sweet. Even Sparkle the cat is coming around to her and is hanging around in the vicinity of the child and allowed Indigo to pet her. One of her favorite things to play with is this set of coasters we were given by friends years ago. She loves to put the coasters in and out of the container. We last posted on July 14th, a day that we had hung out at the house. On Sunday, July 15th, we took a drive out to the stables to visit Dan, the horse. We met our friend Robyne and her twins and her new two week old baby daughter out at the stables. It was great fun, apart from the part where Indigo threw up in her car seat on the way out the barn – gross! It did not seem to dampen her spirits and fortunately, having learned from the multitude of parents we know and the children’s accidents that we have seen happen over the years, we had a spare outfit although I am rethinking that and considering always carrying two spare outfits! Anyway, Dad figured out how to remove the car seat cover which I hosed down – most useful it happening on the way to the stables and then I hosed down her dirty clothes and nobody was any worse off. Indigo did very well meeting Dan – I guess after meeting the dogs, the horse seemed like no big deal. Robyne had brought a little picnic for the twins and we had a nice little visit. Indigo enjoyed playing in the grass and wolfed down a banana while there. She fell asleep on the ride home. We had a relatively quiet afternoon and Mom made a Shepherd’s pie for supper. Indigo ate a little of the meat from that but was not so keen on the rest of it and we gave her some other things to eat. Dad left on Monday to go to work in Harrisburg for the week but fortunately Mom was still with us – she had been awesome. On Monday David and I had planned to take her to the pediatrician. We were glad that was the plan because she just sounded horribly congested on Monday and although she had started on an antibiotic in China, she still seemed congested and was having ugly snottiness. We went to the doctor in the morning and she was so cute in the waiting room – walking all around, playing and cheery. She was very good for the nurse and weighed 19.12 lbs. She had no temperature at that time but that changed later in the day. The doctor thought she was adorable – good way to butter up the parents but we could not agree more. The doctor agreed that her congestion sounded pretty horrible and said that she just wanted to deal with treating that and that we would have a follow-up to have a consult on her international adoption status and well-being and evaluation etc. I had rocked up with a vast list of tests I understand she is supposed to have and the doctor wanted to be able to look at all of that and read through the “medical reports” we had brought from China. Anyway, she switched her to a new antibiotic and prescribed a cough syrup. We left there and went straight to the drug store to wait for the prescriptions to be filled. When we came home Indigo napped and when she woke up later she had a fever of about 101.3. She slept much of the afternoon and then threw up shortly after having her antibiotic so I was worried about how effective a dose she had had. I phoned the pediatrician emergency line and was very pleased that one of the doctors phoned back in less than 30 minutes. She told me not to repeat the dosage and that she could have Tylenol or motrin for the fever along with the antibiotic without ill effect. Anyway, she slept a lot and we tried to give her a lot of water and pedialyte as the doctor had said to lay off her formula bottle while she was so mucousy. As first time parents with a sick child, you can imagine that it was horribly stressful for her to be sick and for us to feel so bad for her. In the morning she was so much better – no temperature and very lively. She is still waking up really early but that’s okay – we can’t expect her to switch over to this time zone right away – we certainly are having a time of it. Mom has been such a help with keeping the house running while David and I try to catch some naps and tag team looking after Indigo in the early morning hours. We have both been really under the weather with lingering colds, congestion and snottiness that started in China. On Tuesday, while Indigo was feeling much better, David and I were both feeling worse so we had to take turns caring for her. She was great in the morning and around 1:30ish Mom & I went to run errands and David was going to put her down for a nap – she was obviously getting tired. When Mom & I returned David looked exhausted and said it had been a disaster and that she had been screaming. I tried to take over from him but she just wanted him – OUCH!!! Anyway, she was not settling and he was so sick so he went to bed and I spent time trying to get her down and we ended up with her sleeping with me on the single bed in her room. I cooked us dinner and we had a nice evening and Indigo went to bed perhaps around 9:30 ish without incident. She slept fairly well and only woke up around 6 ish – not bad at all. She had some food and played very happily and then slept for about an hour or so late morning. Then she had a bath – she really enjoys bath time and got dressed for her debut with the work aunties! Around noon we were joined by 5 of our friends from work – her Aunties Amy, Becky, Dee Dee, Kim, & Michele – alphabetical lest there be any argument over order! It was so great to see our girls! David and I were of course chopped liver once they saw Indigo but we reveled in their delight at her and she was in particularly cute mode if we do say so ourselves! The girls bought our favorite work lunch meal – Mobys! It’s a kabob place that we just love and it was Indigo’s first introduction. Fortunately, she ate chicken, rice and the bread so she is now accepted as one of the girls! Who is Paris Hilton? The girls were like paparazzi snapping her photo with their camera phones! After lunch, she had some quality time playing with the aunties – showing favor by sharing her cups and playing with her shapes container with Aunty Kim. Every aunt was graced with a lean in for a kiss upon departure! Thanks girls for coming over, bringing lunch, and appropriately fawning over our daughter! Well, she had been so delightful and charming all day that she was due a little tantrum – plus it was very stimulating to have all that attention. Afternoon nap time was again rather disastrous with loads of screaming even though she was evidently exhausted. We gave up and took her for a walk in the stroller which she enjoyed although she still looked bleary eyed. When we returned home from that we had a visit from our neighbor who had come to see little one and had bought her a lovely gift. After she left we put her down again and she quickly fell asleep around 5:30 p.m. We had to wake her up around 7:30ish in an effort to try and push bed time back a little bit and also to feed her so that she would not wake up starving at midnight. She stayed up until about 9:15 p.m. and then fell asleep. I had intended to catch up with this account because everything is becoming a blur of things that run together and I can’t remember anything – okay, quit laughing at me you old hand moms! However, sheer exhaustedness sent me to bed. David had been to the doctor on Wednesday morning and was diagnosed with a sinus infection so he is now medicated as well. Also, Egan went to the vet this morning for a small surgery to remove a growth from his mouth. David picked him up in the afternoon – he was very groggy but otherwise okay. Please hold thumbs that biopsy results come back benign! I need to get to the doctor as it seems likely that I also have a sinus infection but not sure when that will happen. We were awoken even earlier this morning – oh, please let her get on this time zone soon, and go back to the days of sleeping through the night like she did in China. Seriously, it’s so great to see her first thing and have her smiling at us and holding up her arms to be picked up that we really don’t care. Also, David very kindly took the shift from about 4 a.m. to 5:30 and then we doubled up from about 5:30 to 6ish and then I took over while he went back to bed. She was really happy and had rice cereal and some yogurt.
We had very tragic news this morning from our friend Tricie. We were to have her dog, Seamus for the next couple of weeks while she went to Italy on vacation. Seamus is a great big sweet loving Scottish Deerhound and he has been like a part of our family for the past 12 years – our first Irish, Murphy and also Caleb, were his first buddies when he was a pup. Tricie took Seamus “Moose” to the vet for a check up yesterday before she was bringing him to our house. Anyway, without going into too much detail, Moose had a fall on the slick floor of the vet clinic and everything went south from there. The fall caused him a great deal of stress and he did not do well on the trip home. He seemed to have possibly had a stroke and lost use of his hind limbs. Tricie and her husband took him to the emergency vet later last night and had to make the very hard decision to put Seamus down. Tricie phoned me this morning to tell me and we both just sobbed. It’s so hard when we have these beloved pets for a limited amount of time. We only hope that he is now gallivanting in heaven with our Murphy, Tricie’s horse Cutty, Marty & Laurie’s Molson & Barley, my first Setter love, Scarlett, Mom & Dad’s Shandy & Tiptoes, Kris’s Ralph, Kim’s Gracie, and all the other loved four legged beasties we have known and loved. Our heartfelt sympathy to Tricie and her family – Seamus was a good sweet dog and that’s the best a dog can be.
To brighter news, Indigo was so cute this morning. After being up since wee hours she had played hard and then bless her, fell asleep lying on the dining room floor just after 9 a.m. Egan was lying just on the other side of the dining room table from her. I did not know if I should move her or not but decided she must be comfortable and left her there and she slept there for at least 2 hours! After she woke we got her dressed in a really super cute outfit – blue jeans with ladybugs and red ladybug t-shirt from her Aunty Tiffany and Miss Brittany. She looked adorable. Today she had her first play date! Aunty Ellen came over with Sarah for lunch time and play and we had a great time! Indigo and Sarah both devoured their steamed eggs – thanks to Ellen’s instruction I am doing a fairly good job of recreating the steamed eggs Indigo was eating in China. They also shared leftover Moby’s rice, and had some steamed cauliflower, broccoli and carrots. Indigo ate banana and Sarah was partial to sliced grapes and they wrapped all that up with a small bit of chocolate chip cookie. Ellen had bought lovely sandwiches for her, me & mom. It was so good to see them again although it has just been a week since we were together in Hong Kong. So much news on the girls to exchange. After lunch the girls played wonderfully well together. We broke out a new toy of the bee bop band drum and musical instruments set from Aunty Laurie, Uncle Marty, Connor and Aidan . The girls had a super time with the set – thanks! There were a few squabbles over who got which instruments, drum sticks etc. but overall they got along fabulously and were so cute! I think each of them took a turn hitting the other on the head with something but both mom’s were quick to tell them be gentle, be nice, no hitting, kiss and hug etc. We all got lovely farewell kisses from Sarah & Indigo did her lean in and open mouth for kisses. It was a wonderful time! Indigo was so tired after they left and we thought a nap would be a snap – oh no sirry bob! It seemed like she was falling fast asleep but then she started hollering and so I decided to just let her play longer in the hope that she might perhaps just settle on the dining room floor again. Bless her, she was so tired but she would not fall asleep on me nor on Granny – she was like a staggering drunk but kept wanting to play and pick things up – again with the baking sprinkles from Shelli! I tried again to get her to nap just after 4:30 and she fell asleep around 4:45 and has been sleeping since. We may have to wake her again to feed her and then put her to bed later – cross fingers that she lasts a little longer tomorrow morning. David went back to work today – she is going to be so excited to see him when she wakes up. Also, Granddad returns from Harrisburg tonight so she will have him to dote all over her until tomorrow morning when very sadly Mom & Dad return to Myrtle Beach after their month long stint here. Signing off, very tired, and still have to sort some pictures to post here for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
To brighter news, Indigo was so cute this morning. After being up since wee hours she had played hard and then bless her, fell asleep lying on the dining room floor just after 9 a.m. Egan was lying just on the other side of the dining room table from her. I did not know if I should move her or not but decided she must be comfortable and left her there and she slept there for at least 2 hours! After she woke we got her dressed in a really super cute outfit – blue jeans with ladybugs and red ladybug t-shirt from her Aunty Tiffany and Miss Brittany. She looked adorable. Today she had her first play date! Aunty Ellen came over with Sarah for lunch time and play and we had a great time! Indigo and Sarah both devoured their steamed eggs – thanks to Ellen’s instruction I am doing a fairly good job of recreating the steamed eggs Indigo was eating in China. They also shared leftover Moby’s rice, and had some steamed cauliflower, broccoli and carrots. Indigo ate banana and Sarah was partial to sliced grapes and they wrapped all that up with a small bit of chocolate chip cookie. Ellen had bought lovely sandwiches for her, me & mom. It was so good to see them again although it has just been a week since we were together in Hong Kong. So much news on the girls to exchange. After lunch the girls played wonderfully well together. We broke out a new toy of the bee bop band drum and musical instruments set from Aunty Laurie, Uncle Marty, Connor and Aidan . The girls had a super time with the set – thanks! There were a few squabbles over who got which instruments, drum sticks etc. but overall they got along fabulously and were so cute! I think each of them took a turn hitting the other on the head with something but both mom’s were quick to tell them be gentle, be nice, no hitting, kiss and hug etc. We all got lovely farewell kisses from Sarah & Indigo did her lean in and open mouth for kisses. It was a wonderful time! Indigo was so tired after they left and we thought a nap would be a snap – oh no sirry bob! It seemed like she was falling fast asleep but then she started hollering and so I decided to just let her play longer in the hope that she might perhaps just settle on the dining room floor again. Bless her, she was so tired but she would not fall asleep on me nor on Granny – she was like a staggering drunk but kept wanting to play and pick things up – again with the baking sprinkles from Shelli! I tried again to get her to nap just after 4:30 and she fell asleep around 4:45 and has been sleeping since. We may have to wake her again to feed her and then put her to bed later – cross fingers that she lasts a little longer tomorrow morning. David went back to work today – she is going to be so excited to see him when she wakes up. Also, Granddad returns from Harrisburg tonight so she will have him to dote all over her until tomorrow morning when very sadly Mom & Dad return to Myrtle Beach after their month long stint here. Signing off, very tired, and still have to sort some pictures to post here for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
I know I was first for a reason, but the alphabetical order excuse was a good cover-up. I love the pictures! We had a great time thank you for letting us come and visit. We have bragged to everyone that we got to visit. I even put some picturees up on your door for those who want to see just how cute she is. She is just adorable. I am so happy for you and David. Love, Amy
Looks like you guys have been very busy. I hope that everyone is feling better soon.
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