Sunday, November 15, 2009

Leaves Are Falling/Indigo is 2 Wheeling

We have had lots of fun this fall with never ending falling leaves. Indigo loves helping Daddy rake the leaves, but best of all she enjoys jumping in the leaf piles. It was a beautiful fall day and we decided to have Indigo try to ride her bicycle for the first time. We went to the parking lot of a local swim club, and started on a basketball court. She had to learn the knack of pushing the pedals forward rather than back pedaling. But as you see from the video, she did it and had a lot of fun. We were so proud as you can tell from the exhuberant whooping from us. Indigo asked when she can go again and for longer. Watch out Lance Armstrong. :-)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Festivities & Follies

Halloween festivities have taken place the last two weeks of October! The weekend before the holiday, we went to a Halloween brunch at Rick and Ellen's club. Our two princesses were so lovely and had a wonderful time. Later that same day, we went to Boo at the Zoo (so lucky that the pouring rain stopped just in time). The next day, we participated in our neighborhood Halloween parade, and Indigo went as a fairy! During the week, Mommy baked yummy Halloween cookies and Indigo and her friend Sarah got to decorate them with sprinkles. David and Indigo carved the pumpkins and Indigo chose the design of a witch on a broomstick. For the big event, Ellen, Rick & Sarah joined us for an evening of ghosts, goblins, witches and pumpkins! After dinner, we took the girls trick or treating. I wore shorts since it was so warm and the rain held off except for a brief bit when our umbrellas were unfolded. Indigo and Sarah loved trick or treating, and we often had to tell them to only take a few candies rather than the handfuls when people offered their bowls. We have enough candy to open a store! Indigo is ecstatic about the amount of candy she has. When she gets to choose a piece after dinner she wants to pull it all out and make her decision about which piece she wants to have - tonight the tootsie lollipop won out because it was red which is her favorite color.